FEMDOM FIGHTING ART | MAD TOMY COMICS https://madtomy.com MAD TOMY's comics are about highly skilled and dominant Martial Arts Girls Wed, 16 Oct 2024 14:08:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/madtomy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-Favicon-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 FEMDOM FIGHTING ART | MAD TOMY COMICS https://madtomy.com 32 32 169007386 FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 – TÖDLICH (GERMAN) https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-2-todlich-german/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-2-todlich-german/#comments Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:55:39 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=33186  

Dies ist die zweite FFA-Ausgabe und dieses Mal heißt es „Lethal“!

Diese Ausgabe von Femdom Fighting Art enthält eine Vielzahl von Kurzgeschichten über dominante und tödliche Frauen, die Männer mit Ballbusting, Trampling, Mixed Wrestling, Fußdominanz und vielen weiteren darin enthaltenen Tricks schlagen, zerstören, demütigen und dominieren.

Diese Graphic Novel ist interessant, künstlerisch und sensationell und spielt in modernen, historischen und fantastischen Umgebungen.

Und es sind vielleicht einige der besten Comics, die MAD TOMY bisher gemacht hat! Seine Fähigkeiten als Künstler werden in dieser köstlichen Ausgabe noch besser.

Man kann sagen, es ist ein echtes Kunstwerk!

Dies ist die deutsche Version des Comics "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 - LETHAL".

Dieser Comic wurde von Hannes übersetzt, dem wir herzlich danken.

Anzahl der Seiten: 49
Dateityp: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-4-6

ATTENTION This is the German version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 - LETHAL". 


Dies ist die zweite FFA-Ausgabe und dieses Mal heißt es „Lethal“!

Diese Ausgabe von Femdom Fighting Art enthält eine Vielzahl von Kurzgeschichten über dominante und tödliche Frauen, die Männer mit Ballbusting, Trampling, Mixed Wrestling, Fußdominanz und vielen weiteren darin enthaltenen Tricks schlagen, zerstören, demütigen und dominieren.

Diese Graphic Novel ist interessant, künstlerisch und sensationell und spielt in modernen, historischen und fantastischen Umgebungen.

Und es sind vielleicht einige der besten Comics, die MAD TOMY bisher gemacht hat! Seine Fähigkeiten als Künstler werden in dieser köstlichen Ausgabe noch besser.

Man kann sagen, es ist ein echtes Kunstwerk!

Dies ist die deutsche Version des Comics "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 - LETHAL".

Dieser Comic wurde von Hannes übersetzt, dem wir herzlich danken.

Anzahl der Seiten: 49
Dateityp: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-4-6

ATTENTION This is the German version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 - LETHAL". 

https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-2-todlich-german/feed/ 2 33186
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 – AMAZONEN (GERMAN) https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-german/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-german/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2024 07:05:40 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=32924 Amazonische Riten: Erzählungen vom Madtomic Fest

Im Herzen eines uralten Landes ist die Zeit für die Amazonen gekommen, sich zu vereinen. Diese wilden und unnachgiebigen Frauen, Meisterinnen der über Generationen weitergegebenen Kampfkünste, kommen zusammen, um das Überleben ihres Stammes zu feiern. Es ist das jährliche Madtomic-Fest, ein heiliger Anlass, der den Göttinnen gewidmet ist, die über sie wachen.

Unter dem goldenen Blick der Sonne treten die jungen Amazonen vor. Zum ersten Mal bekommen sie einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf den echten Kampf - sie erleben die Gewalt, die es bedeutet, einen echten Gegner zu schlagen.

Dann ist es Zeit für das Hauptereignis. Drei auserwählte Amazonen-Champions werden gegen gefangene männliche Gegner antreten.

Und unter ihnen steht ihre verehrte und furchterregende Königin, die reife, aber sexy Thalestis. Ihre Augen zeugen stolz von den Taten ihrer Kriegerinnen.

In dieser Ausgabe werden wir vier geschickte Kämpferinnen kennenlernen:

  • Aella, die Meisterin der Kampfkunstkicks, die die Zeremonie eröffnet. Ihre durch unermüdliches Training geschliffenen Beine bewegen sich mit einer Anmut, die selbst dem Wind trotzt. Die Auszubildenden müssen ihre Bewegungen imitieren, indem sie auf echte männliche Sklaven einschlagen.
  • Dann ist Deianeira an der Reihe, die amazonische Meisterin im Ringen, die nackt und ohne Kleidung und Ausrüstung gegen einen männlichen Gegner antreten wird. Deianeira, die als "Männerzerstörerin" bekannt ist , wird ihre unglaublichen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen und ihren Gegner wie eine uralte Schlange in einem gemischten Ringkampf umschlingen.
  • Danach übernimmt Myrina, die Reisende, den Kampf. Ihre Reise hat sie in die entlegensten Winkel des Fernen Ostens und in unbekannte Länder geführt, wo sie uralte Geheimnisse erforschte und Kampfkunsttechniken beherrschte, die der westlichen Welt unbekannt sind. Sie wendet eine Kombination aus schnellen Schlägen und anmutiger Form an. Was ihr Publikum jedoch atemlos macht, ist ein Armhebel, der mit einer solchen Finesse ausgeführt wird, dass er den Gesetzen der Physik zu trotzen scheint und für ihren hilflosen männlichen Gegner tödlich ist.
  • Die letzte Amazonenmeisterin, der wir begegnen, ist Atalanta, die den Namen der legendären antiken griechischen Jägerin trägt. Als Meisterin des Speers tritt sie gegen einen männlichen Soldaten an. Mit müheloser Anmut entwaffnet sie ihn und verwandelt den Akt in einen spielerischen Scherz. Doch Atalanta will mehr als nur den Sieg; sie sehnt sich nach Spektakel. Und so beendet sie den Kampf mit einem Schläfergriff, der ihren Gegner atemlos zurücklässt.

Enthaltene Kampfhandlungen und Bewegungen:

Schläfergriff, Tritte, Gesichtstritte, Ballbusting, gemischtes Ringen, Kopfschere, Armbar, Judowürfe, verschiedene Kampfsportarten und -techniken, Siegesposen und anderes.

Dies ist die deutsche Version des Comics "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS".

Dieser Comic wurde von Hannes übersetzt, dem wir herzlich danken.

Anzahl der Seiten: 46
Dateityp: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-0-8

ATTENTION This is the German version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". 

Amazonische Riten: Erzählungen vom Madtomic Fest

Im Herzen eines uralten Landes ist die Zeit für die Amazonen gekommen, sich zu vereinen. Diese wilden und unnachgiebigen Frauen, Meisterinnen der über Generationen weitergegebenen Kampfkünste, kommen zusammen, um das Überleben ihres Stammes zu feiern. Es ist das jährliche Madtomic-Fest, ein heiliger Anlass, der den Göttinnen gewidmet ist, die über sie wachen.

Unter dem goldenen Blick der Sonne treten die jungen Amazonen vor. Zum ersten Mal bekommen sie einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf den echten Kampf - sie erleben die Gewalt, die es bedeutet, einen echten Gegner zu schlagen.

Dann ist es Zeit für das Hauptereignis. Drei auserwählte Amazonen-Champions werden gegen gefangene männliche Gegner antreten.

Und unter ihnen steht ihre verehrte und furchterregende Königin, die reife, aber sexy Thalestis. Ihre Augen zeugen stolz von den Taten ihrer Kriegerinnen.

In dieser Ausgabe werden wir vier geschickte Kämpferinnen kennenlernen:

  • Aella, die Meisterin der Kampfkunstkicks, die die Zeremonie eröffnet. Ihre durch unermüdliches Training geschliffenen Beine bewegen sich mit einer Anmut, die selbst dem Wind trotzt. Die Auszubildenden müssen ihre Bewegungen imitieren, indem sie auf echte männliche Sklaven einschlagen.
  • Dann ist Deianeira an der Reihe, die amazonische Meisterin im Ringen, die nackt und ohne Kleidung und Ausrüstung gegen einen männlichen Gegner antreten wird. Deianeira, die als "Männerzerstörerin" bekannt ist , wird ihre unglaublichen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen und ihren Gegner wie eine uralte Schlange in einem gemischten Ringkampf umschlingen.
  • Danach übernimmt Myrina, die Reisende, den Kampf. Ihre Reise hat sie in die entlegensten Winkel des Fernen Ostens und in unbekannte Länder geführt, wo sie uralte Geheimnisse erforschte und Kampfkunsttechniken beherrschte, die der westlichen Welt unbekannt sind. Sie wendet eine Kombination aus schnellen Schlägen und anmutiger Form an. Was ihr Publikum jedoch atemlos macht, ist ein Armhebel, der mit einer solchen Finesse ausgeführt wird, dass er den Gesetzen der Physik zu trotzen scheint und für ihren hilflosen männlichen Gegner tödlich ist.
  • Die letzte Amazonenmeisterin, der wir begegnen, ist Atalanta, die den Namen der legendären antiken griechischen Jägerin trägt. Als Meisterin des Speers tritt sie gegen einen männlichen Soldaten an. Mit müheloser Anmut entwaffnet sie ihn und verwandelt den Akt in einen spielerischen Scherz. Doch Atalanta will mehr als nur den Sieg; sie sehnt sich nach Spektakel. Und so beendet sie den Kampf mit einem Schläfergriff, der ihren Gegner atemlos zurücklässt.

Enthaltene Kampfhandlungen und Bewegungen:

Schläfergriff, Tritte, Gesichtstritte, Ballbusting, gemischtes Ringen, Kopfschere, Armbar, Judowürfe, verschiedene Kampfsportarten und -techniken, Siegesposen und anderes.

Dies ist die deutsche Version des Comics "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS".

Dieser Comic wurde von Hannes übersetzt, dem wir herzlich danken.

Anzahl der Seiten: 46
Dateityp: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-0-8

ATTENTION This is the German version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". 

https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-german/feed/ 2 32924
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 – AMAZZONI (ITALIAN) https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazzoni-it/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazzoni-it/#respond Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:01:04 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=32862 Riti Amazzonici: Racconti dal Madtomic Fest

Nel cuore di una terra antica, per le amazzoni è arrivato il momento di riunirsi. Queste donne feroci e inflessibili, maestre di arti di combattimento tramandate da generazioni, si ritrovano ogni anno per dare vita a un rituale che celebra la sopravvivenza della loro tribù. È la festa annuale di Madtomic, una festa sacra dedicata alle Dee che vegliano su di loro.

Sotto lo sguardo dorato del sole, tocca alle giovani amazzoni farsi avanti per prime. Sarà il loro debutto: per la prima volta, proveranno un piccolo assaggio della realtà di un combattimento e sperimenteranno la violenza insita nel colpire un avversario in carne ossa.

Poi verrà il momento dell'evento principale. Le tre campionesse amazzoni prescelte prenderanno il centro dell’arena: come avversari avranno tre prigionieri di guerra maschi.

Il tutto avviene sotto lo sguardo della venerata e formidabile regina delle amazzoni, la matura ma sexy Thalestis. I suoi occhi osservano con orgoglio le imprese delle sue donne guerriere.

In questo numero conosceremo quattro abili combattenti:

  • Aella, la maestra dei calci delle arti marziali, a cui è affidata l’apertura della cerimonia. Le sue gambe, affinate da allenamenti incessanti, si muovono con una grazia che sfida il vento stesso. Le apprendiste dovranno imitare i suoi movimenti colpendo senza pietà alcuni schiavi maschi.
  • Poi è il momento di Deianeira, la campionessa amazzone di lotta, che se la vedrà con un avversario maschile in un combattimento alla pari: i due contendenti si affronteranno nudi, privi di ogni indumento e attrezzatura. Deianeira, conosciuta come la "distruttrice di uomini", mostrerà le sue incredibili abilità, avvinghiando l'avversario come un antico serpente in un incontro di lotta mista.
  • Dopo di che sarà il turno di Myrina, l’amazzone viaggiatrice. I suoi viaggi l'hanno portata negli angoli più remoti del lontano Oriente e in terre inesplorate, dove ha approfondito antichi segreti e padroneggiato tecniche di arti marziali sconosciute al mondo occidentale. Utilizza una combinazione di colpi rapidi e forme aggraziate. Ma ciò che lascerà il pubblico senza fiato è una leva al braccio semplicemente fatale per il suo inerme avversario maschio: una tecnica eseguita con tale finezza che sembra sfidare le leggi della fisica.
  • L'ultima campionessa amazzone che incontriamo è Atalanta, una guerriera che porta il nome della leggendaria cacciatrice dell’antica Grecia. Maestra della lancia, Atalanta si fa avanti per affrontare un soldato maschio. Con grazia e senza sforzo alcuno lo disarma, dimostrando come questo suo mirabile gesto non sia altro che un semplice gioco per lei. Ma Atalanta cerca qualcosa di più della semplice vittoria; desidera lo spettacolo! E infatti concluderà il suo incontro applicando una perfetta sleeper hold che soffocherà il suo avversario.


Questa storia presenta le seguenti mosse e tecniche di lotta: strangolamenti, calci in faccia, ballbusting, lotta mista, proiezioni Judo, headscissors, leve alle braccia, diversi tipi di calci e tecniche di arti marziali, victory poses e molto altro.

Questa è la versione italiana di "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS"

Traduzione dall’ inglese di Kicked72 https://kicked72.blogspot.com/


Numero di pagine: 46
Tipo di file: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-2-2

ATTENTION This is the Italian version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". For the English version please click here.

Riti Amazzonici: Racconti dal Madtomic Fest

Nel cuore di una terra antica, per le amazzoni è arrivato il momento di riunirsi. Queste donne feroci e inflessibili, maestre di arti di combattimento tramandate da generazioni, si ritrovano ogni anno per dare vita a un rituale che celebra la sopravvivenza della loro tribù. È la festa annuale di Madtomic, una festa sacra dedicata alle Dee che vegliano su di loro.

Sotto lo sguardo dorato del sole, tocca alle giovani amazzoni farsi avanti per prime. Sarà il loro debutto: per la prima volta, proveranno un piccolo assaggio della realtà di un combattimento e sperimenteranno la violenza insita nel colpire un avversario in carne ossa.

Poi verrà il momento dell'evento principale. Le tre campionesse amazzoni prescelte prenderanno il centro dell’arena: come avversari avranno tre prigionieri di guerra maschi.

Il tutto avviene sotto lo sguardo della venerata e formidabile regina delle amazzoni, la matura ma sexy Thalestis. I suoi occhi osservano con orgoglio le imprese delle sue donne guerriere.

In questo numero conosceremo quattro abili combattenti:

  • Aella, la maestra dei calci delle arti marziali, a cui è affidata l’apertura della cerimonia. Le sue gambe, affinate da allenamenti incessanti, si muovono con una grazia che sfida il vento stesso. Le apprendiste dovranno imitare i suoi movimenti colpendo senza pietà alcuni schiavi maschi.
  • Poi è il momento di Deianeira, la campionessa amazzone di lotta, che se la vedrà con un avversario maschile in un combattimento alla pari: i due contendenti si affronteranno nudi, privi di ogni indumento e attrezzatura. Deianeira, conosciuta come la "distruttrice di uomini", mostrerà le sue incredibili abilità, avvinghiando l'avversario come un antico serpente in un incontro di lotta mista.
  • Dopo di che sarà il turno di Myrina, l’amazzone viaggiatrice. I suoi viaggi l'hanno portata negli angoli più remoti del lontano Oriente e in terre inesplorate, dove ha approfondito antichi segreti e padroneggiato tecniche di arti marziali sconosciute al mondo occidentale. Utilizza una combinazione di colpi rapidi e forme aggraziate. Ma ciò che lascerà il pubblico senza fiato è una leva al braccio semplicemente fatale per il suo inerme avversario maschio: una tecnica eseguita con tale finezza che sembra sfidare le leggi della fisica.
  • L'ultima campionessa amazzone che incontriamo è Atalanta, una guerriera che porta il nome della leggendaria cacciatrice dell’antica Grecia. Maestra della lancia, Atalanta si fa avanti per affrontare un soldato maschio. Con grazia e senza sforzo alcuno lo disarma, dimostrando come questo suo mirabile gesto non sia altro che un semplice gioco per lei. Ma Atalanta cerca qualcosa di più della semplice vittoria; desidera lo spettacolo! E infatti concluderà il suo incontro applicando una perfetta sleeper hold che soffocherà il suo avversario.


Questa storia presenta le seguenti mosse e tecniche di lotta: strangolamenti, calci in faccia, ballbusting, lotta mista, proiezioni Judo, headscissors, leve alle braccia, diversi tipi di calci e tecniche di arti marziali, victory poses e molto altro.

Questa è la versione italiana di "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS"

Traduzione dall’ inglese di Kicked72 https://kicked72.blogspot.com/


Numero di pagine: 46
Tipo di file: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-2-2

ATTENTION This is the Italian version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". For the English version please click here.

https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazzoni-it/feed/ 0 32862
L’ART DU COMBAT DES FEMMES DOMINANTES 7 – AMAZONES (FRENCH) https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-fr/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-fr/#comments Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:47:23 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=32647 Rites amazoniens : Contes du Festin de Madtomic

Dans le cœur d'une terre ancienne, le temps est venu pour les Amazones de s'unir. Ces femmes féroces et inflexibles, maîtresses des arts martiaux transmis de génération en génération, se rassemblent pour célébrer la survie de leur tribu. C'est le Festival annuel de Madtomic, une occasion sacrée dédiée aux déesses qui veillent sur elles.

Sous le regard doré du soleil, les jeunes Amazones avancent. Pour la première fois, elles goûtent au vrai combat, faisant l'expérience de la violence en affrontant de véritables adversaires.

Puis vient le moment principal. Trois championnes amazones choisies affronteront des adversaires masculins capturés.

Et là, parmi elles, se dresse leur reine vénérée et redoutable, Thalestis, mature mais séduisante. Ses yeux témoignent fièrement des exploits de ses guerrières.

Dans ce numéro, nous ferons connaissance avec quatre combattantes habiles :

  • Aella, maîtresse des coups de pied d'arts martiaux, ouvre la cérémonie. Ses jambes, affûtées par une pratique incessante, bougent avec une grâce qui défie le vent. Les stagiaires doivent imiter ses mouvements en frappant de véritables esclaves masculins.
  • Ensuite vient Deianeira, championne amazone de la lutte, qui luttera avec un adversaire masculin à égalité, nue, dépourvue de tout vêtement et équipement. Deianeira, connue comme la 'destructrice d'hommes', montrera ses capacités incroyables, entrelaçant son adversaire comme un serpent antique dans un combat de lutte mixte.
  • Ensuite, c'est au tour de Myrina la voyageuse. Son voyage l'a emmenée dans les coins reculés de l'Extrême-Orient et des terres inexplorées, où elle a exploré des secrets anciens et maîtrisé des techniques d'arts martiaux inconnues du monde occidental. Elle utilise une combinaison de frappes rapides et de forme gracieuse. Mais ce qui laisse son public sans voix, c'est une clé de bras exécutée avec une telle finesse qu'elle semble défier les lois de la physique, fatale pour son adversaire masculin impuissant.
  • La dernière championne amazone que nous rencontrons est Atalanta, qui porte le nom de la légendaire chasseresse de la Grèce antique. Maîtresse de la lance, elle se présente pour affronter un soldat masculin. Avec une grâce sans effort, elle le désarme, transformant l'acte en une plaisanterie ludique. Mais Atalanta cherche plus que la simple victoire ; elle désire le spectacle. Et ainsi elle conclut le combat en appliquant une clé de sommeil, laissant son adversaire hors d'haleine.

Actions et mouvements de combat inclus :

Clé de sommeil, coups de pied, coups de pied au visage, ball busting, lutte mixte, ciseaux à la tête, clé de bras, projections judo, plusieurs coups et techniques d'arts martiaux, pose de victoire et autres.

Ceci est la version française de "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS"

Cette traduction a été réalisée en collaboration avec un ami français, que nous remercions sincèrement.


Number of pages: 46
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-1-5

ATTENTION This is the French version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". For the English version please click here.

Rites amazoniens : Contes du Festin de Madtomic

Dans le cœur d'une terre ancienne, le temps est venu pour les Amazones de s'unir. Ces femmes féroces et inflexibles, maîtresses des arts martiaux transmis de génération en génération, se rassemblent pour célébrer la survie de leur tribu. C'est le Festival annuel de Madtomic, une occasion sacrée dédiée aux déesses qui veillent sur elles.

Sous le regard doré du soleil, les jeunes Amazones avancent. Pour la première fois, elles goûtent au vrai combat, faisant l'expérience de la violence en affrontant de véritables adversaires.

Puis vient le moment principal. Trois championnes amazones choisies affronteront des adversaires masculins capturés.

Et là, parmi elles, se dresse leur reine vénérée et redoutable, Thalestis, mature mais séduisante. Ses yeux témoignent fièrement des exploits de ses guerrières.

Dans ce numéro, nous ferons connaissance avec quatre combattantes habiles :

  • Aella, maîtresse des coups de pied d'arts martiaux, ouvre la cérémonie. Ses jambes, affûtées par une pratique incessante, bougent avec une grâce qui défie le vent. Les stagiaires doivent imiter ses mouvements en frappant de véritables esclaves masculins.
  • Ensuite vient Deianeira, championne amazone de la lutte, qui luttera avec un adversaire masculin à égalité, nue, dépourvue de tout vêtement et équipement. Deianeira, connue comme la 'destructrice d'hommes', montrera ses capacités incroyables, entrelaçant son adversaire comme un serpent antique dans un combat de lutte mixte.
  • Ensuite, c'est au tour de Myrina la voyageuse. Son voyage l'a emmenée dans les coins reculés de l'Extrême-Orient et des terres inexplorées, où elle a exploré des secrets anciens et maîtrisé des techniques d'arts martiaux inconnues du monde occidental. Elle utilise une combinaison de frappes rapides et de forme gracieuse. Mais ce qui laisse son public sans voix, c'est une clé de bras exécutée avec une telle finesse qu'elle semble défier les lois de la physique, fatale pour son adversaire masculin impuissant.
  • La dernière championne amazone que nous rencontrons est Atalanta, qui porte le nom de la légendaire chasseresse de la Grèce antique. Maîtresse de la lance, elle se présente pour affronter un soldat masculin. Avec une grâce sans effort, elle le désarme, transformant l'acte en une plaisanterie ludique. Mais Atalanta cherche plus que la simple victoire ; elle désire le spectacle. Et ainsi elle conclut le combat en appliquant une clé de sommeil, laissant son adversaire hors d'haleine.

Actions et mouvements de combat inclus :

Clé de sommeil, coups de pied, coups de pied au visage, ball busting, lutte mixte, ciseaux à la tête, clé de bras, projections judo, plusieurs coups et techniques d'arts martiaux, pose de victoire et autres.

Ceci est la version française de "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS"

Cette traduction a été réalisée en collaboration avec un ami français, que nous remercions sincèrement.


Number of pages: 46
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-1-5

ATTENTION This is the French version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". For the English version please click here.

https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons-fr/feed/ 1 32647
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 – AMAZONS (ENGLISH) https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons/#comments Mon, 26 Feb 2024 15:47:13 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=32625 Amazonian Rites: Tales from the Madtomic Fest

In the heart of an ancient land, the time has come for the Amazons to unite. These fierce and unyielding women, masters of combat arts passed down through generations, gather to celebrate the survival of their tribe. It is the annual Madtomic Fest, a sacred occasion dedicated to the goddesses who watch over them.

Under the sun’s golden gaze, the young Amazons step forward. For the first time, they have a small taste of real combat—experiencing the violence of striking a true adversary.

Then it's time for the main event. Three chosen Amazon champions will engage in battle against captured male opponents.

And there, among them, stands their revered and formidable queen, the mature but sexy Thalestis. Her eyes proudly bear witness to the feats of her warrior women.

In this issue we will get to know four skillful female fighters:

  • Aella, the mistress of martial arts kicks who opens the ceremony. Her legs, honed through relentless practice, move with a grace that defies the wind itself. The trainees must mimic her movements striking real male slaves.
  • Then it's time for Deianeira, the Amazon champion of wrestling, she will grapple with a male opponent in equal terms, nude, stripped of any apparel and equipment. Deianeira, known as the man destroyer’, will showcase her incredible abilities, entwining her adversary like an ancient serpent in a mixed wrestling battle.
  • After that, Myrina the traveller takes over. Her journey has taken her to the distant corners of the Far East and uncharted lands, where she delved into ancient secrets and mastered martial arts techniques unknown to the Western world.  She employs a combination of swift striking and graceful form. But what leaves her audience breathless is an armbar grapple executed with such finesse that it seems to defy the laws of physics, fatal for her helpless male opponent.
  • The final Amazon champion we encounter is Atalanta, which bears the name of the legendary ancient Greek huntress. A master of the spear, she steps forth to face a male soldier. With effortless grace, she disarms him, turning the act into a playful jest. But Atalanta seeks more than mere victory; she craves spectacle. And so she concludes the battle by applying a sleeper hold, leaving her opponent breathless.

Fighting actions and moves included:

Sleeper hold, kicks, face kicks, ballbusting, mixed-wrestling, head scissors, armbar, judo throws, several martial arts kicks and techniques, victory posing and other.

The comic is also available in French, found here, in Italian and German!

Number of pages: 46
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-0-8

ATTENTION This is the English version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". 

Amazonian Rites: Tales from the Madtomic Fest

In the heart of an ancient land, the time has come for the Amazons to unite. These fierce and unyielding women, masters of combat arts passed down through generations, gather to celebrate the survival of their tribe. It is the annual Madtomic Fest, a sacred occasion dedicated to the goddesses who watch over them.

Under the sun’s golden gaze, the young Amazons step forward. For the first time, they have a small taste of real combat—experiencing the violence of striking a true adversary.

Then it's time for the main event. Three chosen Amazon champions will engage in battle against captured male opponents.

And there, among them, stands their revered and formidable queen, the mature but sexy Thalestis. Her eyes proudly bear witness to the feats of her warrior women.

In this issue we will get to know four skillful female fighters:

  • Aella, the mistress of martial arts kicks who opens the ceremony. Her legs, honed through relentless practice, move with a grace that defies the wind itself. The trainees must mimic her movements striking real male slaves.
  • Then it's time for Deianeira, the Amazon champion of wrestling, she will grapple with a male opponent in equal terms, nude, stripped of any apparel and equipment. Deianeira, known as the man destroyer’, will showcase her incredible abilities, entwining her adversary like an ancient serpent in a mixed wrestling battle.
  • After that, Myrina the traveller takes over. Her journey has taken her to the distant corners of the Far East and uncharted lands, where she delved into ancient secrets and mastered martial arts techniques unknown to the Western world.  She employs a combination of swift striking and graceful form. But what leaves her audience breathless is an armbar grapple executed with such finesse that it seems to defy the laws of physics, fatal for her helpless male opponent.
  • The final Amazon champion we encounter is Atalanta, which bears the name of the legendary ancient Greek huntress. A master of the spear, she steps forth to face a male soldier. With effortless grace, she disarms him, turning the act into a playful jest. But Atalanta seeks more than mere victory; she craves spectacle. And so she concludes the battle by applying a sleeper hold, leaving her opponent breathless.

Fighting actions and moves included:

Sleeper hold, kicks, face kicks, ballbusting, mixed-wrestling, head scissors, armbar, judo throws, several martial arts kicks and techniques, victory posing and other.

The comic is also available in French, found here, in Italian and German!

Number of pages: 46
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-87095-0-8

ATTENTION This is the English version of the comic  "FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 7 - AMAZONS". 

https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-7-amazons/feed/ 2 32625
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 6 – SUPERSKILLED https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superskilled/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superskilled/#comments Thu, 07 Dec 2023 18:29:24 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=32024 [caption id="attachment_32046" align="alignnone" width="800"]MAD TOMY COMICS FEMDOM-FIGHTING ART SUPERSKILLED PRINT VERSION This is the print version available in black and white with a colored cover on our trusted partner's website LULU.[/caption]



The last FFA issue of 2023 is here

This is the sixth issue of Mad Tomy’s best-selling collection, “Femdom Fighting Art” and includes five stories full of fighting action with MMA, martial arts karate-style kicks and techniques, mixed wrestling, and jiu-jitsu grapples.

As always, it features women who are super skilled in martial arts and wrestling, and enjoy defeating men to the point of the most humiliating embarrassment. 

It is designed to satisfy the fans of beautiful women fighters. And it’s a guarantee: the women of this issue are as gorgeous as they are badass!

Fighting actions and moves included:

Headscissors, grapples, sleeper hold, armbar, tomoenage, judo throw, several martial arts kicks and techniques, ballbusting, split punch, victory posing.


The "ADD TO CART" below is only for the pdf version but if you are interested in the PRINT VERSION  you can find it on our trusted partner's site here.

The print version is in black and white with a colored cover whereas the digital pdf version is in full color.


Number of pages: 50
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-8-7


[caption id="attachment_32046" align="alignnone" width="800"]MAD TOMY COMICS FEMDOM-FIGHTING ART SUPERSKILLED PRINT VERSION This is the print version available in black and white with a colored cover on our trusted partner's website LULU.[/caption]



The last FFA issue of 2023 is here

This is the sixth issue of Mad Tomy’s best-selling collection, “Femdom Fighting Art” and includes five stories full of fighting action with MMA, martial arts karate-style kicks and techniques, mixed wrestling, and jiu-jitsu grapples.

As always, it features women who are super skilled in martial arts and wrestling, and enjoy defeating men to the point of the most humiliating embarrassment. 

It is designed to satisfy the fans of beautiful women fighters. And it’s a guarantee: the women of this issue are as gorgeous as they are badass!

Fighting actions and moves included:

Headscissors, grapples, sleeper hold, armbar, tomoenage, judo throw, several martial arts kicks and techniques, ballbusting, split punch, victory posing.


The "ADD TO CART" below is only for the pdf version but if you are interested in the PRINT VERSION  you can find it on our trusted partner's site here.

The print version is in black and white with a colored cover whereas the digital pdf version is in full color.


Number of pages: 50
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-8-7


https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superskilled/feed/ 7 32024
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 5 – RUTHLESS https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-ruthless/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-ruthless/#comments Tue, 20 Jun 2023 08:55:23 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=30781 The sensational Femdom Fighting Art series continues and this time it's Ruthless!
Four stories, featuring three popular characters of the series, The lady sensei, the Widow, and the Pit Fightress.
Four hot stories with mixed wrestling, female domination, martial arts, and ballbusting.

Story 1 "The challenge": The undefeated Amazon "Pit Fightress" takes on a wrestling challenge against several male opponents in the fighting pit.
Story 2 "A pleasant ending": The gorgeous female assassin "the Widow" extracts precious military information from a male soldier in her unique sensual and dominant fashion.
Story 3 "Lady Sensei at the park": The story is about an amazing middle-aged grandmaster lady sensei who relaxes with a friend at the park, barefoot and in her summer dress when suddenly her peace is interrupted by a bunch of young punks. She then decides to give them a tough lesson by beating and humiliating them badly!
Story 4 "The final test": In this story, you will meet the "Widow" in her final test to join the assassin's sisterhood, before she becomes the ultimate feminine executioner we know from the FFA series. This includes some brutal ball-busting action based on a commission.

The basic Actions included in the comic are: 
Mixed wrestling and martial arts: head scissors, sleeper holds, victory pose, armbar.
Ballbusting: knees, kicks, stomp, grab, split punch, grinding.
Femdom: sensual content, trampling, foot domination, foot worship.
And there is even more!

If you've been enjoying these works from Mad Tomy, help make them better by leaving a comment.

Number of pages: 45
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-6-3


The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 5 – RUTHLESS first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>
The sensational Femdom Fighting Art series continues and this time it's Ruthless!
Four stories, featuring three popular characters of the series, The lady sensei, the Widow, and the Pit Fightress.
Four hot stories with mixed wrestling, female domination, martial arts, and ballbusting.

Story 1 "The challenge": The undefeated Amazon "Pit Fightress" takes on a wrestling challenge against several male opponents in the fighting pit.
Story 2 "A pleasant ending": The gorgeous female assassin "the Widow" extracts precious military information from a male soldier in her unique sensual and dominant fashion.
Story 3 "Lady Sensei at the park": The story is about an amazing middle-aged grandmaster lady sensei who relaxes with a friend at the park, barefoot and in her summer dress when suddenly her peace is interrupted by a bunch of young punks. She then decides to give them a tough lesson by beating and humiliating them badly!
Story 4 "The final test": In this story, you will meet the "Widow" in her final test to join the assassin's sisterhood, before she becomes the ultimate feminine executioner we know from the FFA series. This includes some brutal ball-busting action based on a commission.

The basic Actions included in the comic are: 
Mixed wrestling and martial arts: head scissors, sleeper holds, victory pose, armbar.
Ballbusting: knees, kicks, stomp, grab, split punch, grinding.
Femdom: sensual content, trampling, foot domination, foot worship.
And there is even more!

If you've been enjoying these works from Mad Tomy, help make them better by leaving a comment.

Number of pages: 45
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-6-3


The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 5 – RUTHLESS first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>
https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-ruthless/feed/ 5 30781
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 4 – MERCILESS https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-merciless/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-merciless/#comments Sat, 04 Mar 2023 18:22:30 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=29986 This Femdom Fighting Art issue, MERCILESS brings back some characters that we've already met in the "FFA Lethal" issue:  The "Pit Fightress", "The Widow" and the "Apache girl" (who is also featured on the cover).

As always and like in all FFA issues there is a variety of femdom fighting action, kicks, wrestling, chokes, ballbusting, domination, and much other interesting stuff.

Specifically in this issue and for the first time the "Pit fightress" is attacked by a rapist at her place. The poor guy has no idea who she is and will end up being the receiver of her brutal blows. That's an ideal story for ballbusting fans. On the other hand, Femdom and trampling fans can enjoy "The widow" and her female deadly team putting down enemy soldiers with their high heels.
Mixed wrestling fans will enjoy the Apache girl returning for revenge and surprising her opponents with chokes, foot chokes, and head scissors.
And additionally, there's a new strange girl that loves to kick boys in the face and force them to smell her feet.

If you enjoy these works from Mad Tomy, help make these comics better by leaving a comment.

Number of pages: 44
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-4-9


The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 4 – MERCILESS first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>
The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 4 – MERCILESS first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]> https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-merciless/feed/ 5 29986
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 3 – SUPERIOR https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superior/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superior/#comments Thu, 19 Jan 2023 09:47:39 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=29529  

2023 begins with a new issue of Femdom Fighting Art, this time it is "Superior".

Some beloved characters return in new stories and some appear for the first time.

Also features the real-life character of Helen Bearsky in a comic story published at the same time as a real-life video on skilledgirl.com.

As always FFA includes femdom fighting comics and femdom art with a variety of dominant and lethal women who beat, destroy, humiliate, and dominate men with ballbusting, stomps, mixed wrestling, foot domination, and more...

These interesting, artistic, sensational graphic novel short stories are set in different types of environments, modern, historic, and fantastic.

Your reviews are important to us so don't forget to leave us one in the review section below!

Number of pages: 47
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-3-2


The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 3 – SUPERIOR first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>

2023 begins with a new issue of Femdom Fighting Art, this time it is "Superior".

Some beloved characters return in new stories and some appear for the first time.

Also features the real-life character of Helen Bearsky in a comic story published at the same time as a real-life video on skilledgirl.com.

As always FFA includes femdom fighting comics and femdom art with a variety of dominant and lethal women who beat, destroy, humiliate, and dominate men with ballbusting, stomps, mixed wrestling, foot domination, and more...

These interesting, artistic, sensational graphic novel short stories are set in different types of environments, modern, historic, and fantastic.

Your reviews are important to us so don't forget to leave us one in the review section below!

Number of pages: 47
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-3-2


The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 3 – SUPERIOR first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>
https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-superior/feed/ 1 29529
FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 – LETHAL https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-undefeated-lethal/ https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-undefeated-lethal/#comments Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:14:26 +0000 https://madtomy.com/?post_type=product&p=29071  

The FFA collection is back and this time it's "Lethal"!

This is MAD TOMY's last digital graphic novel for 2022, so don't miss it!

This issue of Femdom Fighting Art includes a variety of short stories featuring dominant and lethal women who beat, destroy, humiliate, and dominate men with ballbusting, trampling, mixed wrestling, foot domination, and many more tricks which are incorporated inside.

This graphic novel is interesting, artistic, and sensational set in modern, historical, and fantastic environments.

And it may be some of the best comics MAD TOMY has done so far! With his ability as an artist leveling up even more in this luscious issue.

You can say it's a real piece of art!

Number of pages: 49
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-2-5

This comic is also available in German language, found here.

The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 – LETHAL first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>

The FFA collection is back and this time it's "Lethal"!

This is MAD TOMY's last digital graphic novel for 2022, so don't miss it!

This issue of Femdom Fighting Art includes a variety of short stories featuring dominant and lethal women who beat, destroy, humiliate, and dominate men with ballbusting, trampling, mixed wrestling, foot domination, and many more tricks which are incorporated inside.

This graphic novel is interesting, artistic, and sensational set in modern, historical, and fantastic environments.

And it may be some of the best comics MAD TOMY has done so far! With his ability as an artist leveling up even more in this luscious issue.

You can say it's a real piece of art!

Number of pages: 49
Type of File: .pdf

ISBN: 978-618-86200-2-5

This comic is also available in German language, found here.

The post FEMDOM FIGHTING ART 2 – LETHAL first appeared on MAD TOMY COMICS.]]>
https://madtomy.com/product/femdom-fighting-art-undefeated-lethal/feed/ 9 29071